After you take your o's close your eyes and count to ten.Before you know it,a whole new life begins with a different environment that comes with a whole group of new found friends and i am enjoying this life as much as i enjoy Simon Yeo's lesson during FMT.Okay maybe abit more.Incase some of you may not know,im studying in MDIS which stands for Management Development Institute of Singapore majoring in mass comm.MDIS is a interesting place actually,full of different kind of people.From actors to b boys to china people to even more interesting comm skill lecturer.Its like a very interactive zoo ofcourse im part of it.(oh god i so can feel the 'what animal do you play' joke)..anyways,to make this inferior thing look alive to all 16 of you reading,

i like the composition but if you ask me,needs more shutter..oh well,Nokia 5610 cant possibly provide a F 2.8 with Shutter speed 800